Pos System Backup

Online Database Synchronization

The database of your POS System are synchronize in real-time. Once the transaction successful the data will be kept in database for every devices. Hence, you can monitor your sales data in real-time. If one of your device fail, your sales data are still available in others devices.

POS Database Backup & Restore

The database in your POS System can be manually backup and restore in BBS Server. To Backup or Restore Database, you can read our User Manual or watch our Tutorial Video.

POS Database Backup 01

POS Database Backup 02
Auto Backup

All the POS System can be set to automatic backup. We are recomemnded enable this feature to ensure all your sales data are secure. Contact Us to Learn More.

: 018-662 6633 (Jeffrey)
: 018-661 6633 (Alex)
: 03-7491 7912 (HQ)
: contact@greenmatrixsolution.com